The Grangeburn herd is situated near Hamilton in Victoria’s south-west on a 700 hectare grazing property.
Grangeburn produces Simmental Stud Cattle, Simmental and SimAngus commercial cattle and prime lambs.
Grangeburn has an annual stud sale with Simmental Bulls, Simmental Females and Simmental Genetics for sale from home base in Victoria. Grangeburn also has Simmental Bulls for Sale annually at the Queensland Simmental Bull Sale in the last week of July at the CQLX selling complex in Gracemere, Central Queensland.
Grangeburn was registered in 2012 with foundation genetics sourced from a number of well-respected Australian herds including Woonallee, Six Creeks, Wormbete, Juraley and Valley Creek. From these beginnings Grangeburn has slowly and deliberately gradually increased the number of Simmental Bulls for sale to the market each year from high performing females and sires.
During this period of growth the Stud Manager Brodhi Carracher completed a Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine over the course of 6 years enabling him to apply his theoretical learnings studies to practical experience as he went and this is reflected in the quality of cattle produced by Grangeburn today.
Grangeburn has a strong focus on science which includes the use of artificial breeding technologies with a recipient herd in place for the implant of embryos. Genetics selected by Grangeburn are sourced both domestically and internationally always focussed on the Australian environment and the profitability of commercial beef producers.
The Grangeburn herd currently includes genetics from Australia, South Africa, Canada and the United States.
Brodhi Carracher
Owner and Stud Manager
Brodhi’s passion for livestock began at 10 years old when he was gifted 5 Merino ewes for Christmas in 2005. His childhood included working at the saleyards with local commercial beef (mainly Simmental cross) and at sheep farms during school holidays. At age 15 Brodhi entered stud production by breeding East Friesian x Border Leicester rams with family at Haven Park.
Attending sales in South East South Australia where there were many Simmental bulls for sale and Simmental females for sale gave him an additional appreciation for Simmental and the commercial benefits of the Simmental cross confirmed it was the breed for him. The Grangeburn herd was then instated and registered.
Fast forward all these years later and after studying a Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine Brodhi has a specific eye for detail when creating mating’s that will eventually decide the profitability of his clients’ herds.
Simmental provides many advantages
Including excellent maternal characteristics along with immense growth allowing the production of heavy weight weaners and bullocks. The Simmental Breed also possesses other desirable traits including quiet temperament, high milk production, fertility, natural muscling and most importantly adaptability to different climates and markets .
Simmental’s ability to be a part of so many operations with so much flexibility means that Simmental progeny are favoured by many markets; vealers, weaners (south and north), feeder steers into short fed grain-fed, grass fattening to finish at 600-700kg milk tooth bullocks or Jap Ox bullocks. Given Simmental have now been around for over 1500 years and are working on every inhabited in the world is a testament to the profitability of the breed.
Grangeburn’s Simmental bulls and SimAngus Bulls
Grangeburn’s Simmental bulls for sale and SimAngus Bulls for sale are available at two main events during each calendar year. First offering of the year is at Grangeburns Beef Week Field Day open day early February each year where an online auction is held using the Auctionsplus trading platform.
Grangeburn also offers a draft of specially selected Simmental bulls for sale at the Queensland Simmental Bull Sale, held at CQLX Gracemere in the last week of July annually. These bulls selected meet the specification of northern producers being that they are larger in frame, longer in leg and slick coated.
Grangeburn often have Simmental embryos for sale as well as Simmental semen for sale year round.